Current research
The title of my PhD research project is: Assessing business efforts to reduce child labour in developing countries: the case of adolescent girls in India’s cotton garment industry. This research is motivated by a slow shift from the concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR) to business and human rights (BHR) in 2011, which has had a consequence for how businesses enterprises show due diligence for their actions. My research seeks to get a better picture of how community-level institutions – both public (State and local government) and private business – affect adolescent girls working in the global garments value chain. The focus of this research is on the start of the supply chain, from the farming/ginning of cotton, spinning, weaving/knitting of yarn to the dyeing and finishing of cotton fabric. This research is conducted by the School of International Development and Global Studies at the University of Ottawa in Canada. It is conducted in affiliation with the Gujarat Institute of Development Research (GIDR) in Ahmedabad, where Dr. Lalitha Narayanan is providing local supervision, and in collaboration with Dr. Davuluri Venkateswarlu from Glocal Research in Hyderabad, India. Local research assistants in Gujarat and Telangana are assisting with the data collection.
This project is financed by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), the Fonds de Recherche du Québec Société et Culture (FRSCQ) and a University of Ottawa Excellence Scholarship.
If you wish to know more about this project, please contact me:
Andrea C. Khan
School of International Development and Global Studies
University of Ottawa - Social Sciences Building, Room 8005
120 University Private
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1N 6N5
Email: [email protected]
My personal webpage at the University of Ottawa
This project is financed by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), the Fonds de Recherche du Québec Société et Culture (FRSCQ) and a University of Ottawa Excellence Scholarship.
- [Closed] Research Assistant - Data Sciences.
- [Closed] Project-based temporary assignment: Research Assistant – Gujarat & Research Assistant - Andhra Pradesh. (Applications until 24 May 2021).
If you wish to know more about this project, please contact me:
Andrea C. Khan
School of International Development and Global Studies
University of Ottawa - Social Sciences Building, Room 8005
120 University Private
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1N 6N5
Email: [email protected]
My personal webpage at the University of Ottawa
Selected publications
Selected** non-refereed contributions:
** In my 15-year career as a child rights and protection specialist for the Government of Canada I have been involved as an author in 14 non-refereed contributions and I have written detailed research guidelines and assessed and/or edited numerous government-funded research projects performed by academics. The overview below offers a sample of these activities. It includes research contributions from my work for Save the Children UK, where I was managing editor for two serial print publications: CRIN Newsletters #12 to #17 (ISSN 1475-8342) and CRIN Working Paper Series (ISSN 1477-5670).
1 Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children (2017). A Theory of Change for the Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children. New York: UNICEF. [Read]
2 UNICEF, & Global Affairs Canada (GAC). (2015). Building national frameworks for child protection: Key findings. [Read]
3 Global Affairs Canada (2014). Practice Note: Child Protection System’s Strengthening. [Read]
4 Government of Canada (2008). "Chapter 3: How healthy are our children?", and "Chapter 8: Well-being of young Aboriginal children in Canada." The well-being of Canada’s young children. [Link]
5 Halpin, E. F., Khan, A., & Reale, D. (2002). The information needs of the global child rights community (CRIN Working Paper No. 2). London: Child Rights International Network. [Link]
** In my 15-year career as a child rights and protection specialist for the Government of Canada I have been involved as an author in 14 non-refereed contributions and I have written detailed research guidelines and assessed and/or edited numerous government-funded research projects performed by academics. The overview below offers a sample of these activities. It includes research contributions from my work for Save the Children UK, where I was managing editor for two serial print publications: CRIN Newsletters #12 to #17 (ISSN 1475-8342) and CRIN Working Paper Series (ISSN 1477-5670).
1 Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children (2017). A Theory of Change for the Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children. New York: UNICEF. [Read]
2 UNICEF, & Global Affairs Canada (GAC). (2015). Building national frameworks for child protection: Key findings. [Read]
3 Global Affairs Canada (2014). Practice Note: Child Protection System’s Strengthening. [Read]
4 Government of Canada (2008). "Chapter 3: How healthy are our children?", and "Chapter 8: Well-being of young Aboriginal children in Canada." The well-being of Canada’s young children. [Link]
5 Halpin, E. F., Khan, A., & Reale, D. (2002). The information needs of the global child rights community (CRIN Working Paper No. 2). London: Child Rights International Network. [Link]